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Yvette Tan
A decent girl from Penang
Based in Kuala Lumpur
I am a dreamer
✈ Flying is my passion ✈


The beauty of a woman must be seen from in her eyes, because that is the doorway to her heart, the place where love resides.


Little Bits of 2013
Sunday, 20 January 2013 • 8:57:00 pm • 0 comments

Hello fellow readers,

It's already the mid of January. How time flies. 
And when i say mid, it means final exam soon.
What are the little bits of things that's been going around me?

Well, my life is quite happening now.
Let me start off with last two weeks ago. 
Working in aviation field is always a dream for me.
When i was in high school, I always wanted to join the cadet pilot in MFA in Malacca after graduating Form 5 but due to financial restraint i have to stop dreaming about it and move on into other Science related field. Sadly, nothing attracts me as much as aviation. My uncle was the one who influenced me. He used to be working with SIA as an Aeronautical Engineer. 
So, on 12th January 2013, i went for an interview at MAS Academy for Cabin Crew position. Well, its indeed quite an experience. This is the time when people are really judging you by your outlook and how you bring yourself in the public. I tried my best in presenting myself but failed at the last stage. No idea why. Maybe i am over confident or maybe i am boastful. HAHA.

And at that day itself after the interview ended, i went over Damansara.
Decided to get my first very own DSLR. It's NIKON.
A new toy now. I didnt get Nikon D3200 because it's over my budget though the salesperson offered me RM1999. A good price but i decided to get D3100. It's good enough for me since i am not going to develop any photos out of it. The differences are the megapixels and ISO. He explained to me that ISO will be the last consideration if you wanna get a DSLR. He told me Nikon D3100 is more than enough for me. And its in my budget. He offered me RM1500 with all the freebies. And i bought lens filter for the lens protection.
This is the birthday gift for myself. My 22nd birthday present.
Last year was an iPhone 4s for my 21st birthday.
I am wondering what am i gonna get for my 23rd birthday next year.

Okay, so a little clarification. 
Yeah, i am now talking back to my ex boyfriend/best friend.
Some drama and shits happened between us. Well, not my fault.
One crazy bitch made us that way. If its meant to be, it will come back.
And yeah we are in good terms now. As in we're back as best friend/close friend. 
Though I've been writing shits and angry posts about him for the past few months last year.
Past will always be the past. Let it be history and forgive and forget.

UPDATE: I am no longer in a relationship. Yeah, i am back being single.
Those who followed my social sites, they roughly knew about it and my friends around me.
Well, that's a dreamy and perfect relationship between us. 
For a month, it's like a fairy tale to me. Been through a tough moment.
I'll cut the story short.

1. Cried in the middle of lecture hall because i was listening to "A Thousand Year part 2". That song reminds me of we starting off that day when we are watching Breaking Dawn part 2.
2. Having a very bad month. Celebrating Christmas and New Year in pain and tears.
3. Seeing him having so much fun like nothing has happened actually kills me.
4. Kept thinking why.
5. Decided to stop "harassing" him as in stop contacting him. Well, i need time to cool down. And he seems doesnt want to keep it that way by telling me he'll be busy because he started working and etc but what i've seen in his latest status update in Facebook, he just started work this year January. None of my concern anymore even he decided to lie to me that way just to keep me off from him. I've done what i should. 

Okay, i dont know what am i trying to say up there. Just to tell the world, i am freaking good right now. Nothing to be sad about anymore. Feeling so good because i've bunch of friends who are there to support me. For me, a few of good friends are enough. I dont need to go around meeting new people and add them inside the list because you'll never know when are they gonna hurt you with or without intention.

Most of you probably thinking why i am not flying to Melbourne anymore.

1. Because i've better plan. Between Melbourne and Chicago. Obviously i'll be choosing Chicago.
2. I need to save for shopping spree in Chicago. Everything so freaking cheap there.
3. No one is willing to provide me cheap/free accommodation in Melbourne.
4. Grandaunt is in Chicago and I'll be there for 2weeks to a month there.
5. I've got a place to stay for free in Chicago.

P/s: It's not because of him.

Till then, I am ending this post with a shout-out.

Good luck fellow batchmates in final exams. Hopefully no one gets into probation period.


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